hola sotaknuck, quiero instalar la actualización 1.26 (claro que ya tengo el sonic 3d instalado en 2d es decir, ya no tengo que instalarlo) pero no me deja instalar la actualización en ningún lado, la opción de instalar la actualización simplemente aparece. al final de la pagina descarga sonic 3d en 2d que tengo que hacer?
Hello, the game uses the direct X libraries for some of its effects and relies on some windows only extensions to work, so I cannot convert it to Mac easily.
I've heard people had limited success in using wine, but the game crashes when the input is set. I don't know if it is possible to emulate vcrun6 on mac, as it seems it is the critical component needed to have it start on Mac.
Dude looking at this game, This is something SEGA should have done years ago probably should have been the original game and just called Sonic Blast but we both know how that turned out. The levels were so unique back then and seeing them fleshed out in the 2d format is really cool! and the Chaos mural at the end Rusty Ruin act 2 goes amazingly well with 3&K mural seeing as 3d blast was the last Major game in the classic era, Robotnik looking as good as ever starting to switch to his modern Design. They creativity in this is FANTASTIC you should make more of this in the future!
I edited them from the Sonic Screensaver sprites and some comics (Amy and Shadow), so they aren't exactly anywhere to be found (unless someone ripped them)!
Well God... i've was trying to take a screenshot of the Puppet Panic Act 1 Phase 2 Boss where your edited version of the Drill Mobile from Sonic 3 appears to rip it and put it on an Photoshop project i am doing, Gay Bandicam doesn't even let me to do so, i've tried 1 million times to take an screenshot with the hotkey, and it does, but when i've want to see the image of the screenshot, i've can't, it just says that "It looks like the format of the file isn't compatible" and i've tried to change the file format to .PNG but it's just a freakin' black square in like 10 pixels. what hapenned? if Bandicam was able to take screenshots from the game perfecly without any problem. well continuing with my Box Art thing anyway...
Thank you for all the great work you have put into this game!
What is the game’s native pixel resolution? I assumed 320x240 but this seems not to be the case because I see vertical scaling artifacts when playing fullscreen at 640x480, with no filtering enabled
I already installed it and did all the steps to have the music from saturn but only music options appear to change the music from mega drive to saturn and no soundtrack options
i like the game but im am bouncing on eggman then i lose my rings and them the yellow springs din't bounce hight enuogh then the spike ball has aim bot so i can make it pass act 2
Robotnik throws the spike ball at a fixed arc towards you.
It's just a matter of positioning. Try to stay on the right side of the screen to have it bounce in a predictable way and be able to walk under it and avoid it easily.
i'm editing an video related to this game were how to get al achievements, it will be a split to 2 parts the first one is done but it has to need some adjustments before publishing and the second one is still in progress
I've already completed all the achievements except for the last one (Amy's Achievement) and suddenly a huge trouble appeared. Every time I collect a Giant Ring, game freezes for about 15 seconds (regardless if I already have all the emeralds or not). Also identical freeze appears when I try to start a new game.
UPDATE: I had killed the application while frozen and lost saved data. Luckily I had a restore point from two days ago. It doesn't freeze anymore so now I can try to reproduce it...
UPDATE2: I tried to repeat the actions I took before the problem started and I managed to reproduce it. First I defeated the final boss with Amy (just the Final Fight from All Clear menu that is), then I went with her to the statue in Rusty Ruin where I was unable to complete the achievement (guess I have to complete the entire game once more, don't I?). After that I started a new game as Amy and that's when the first freeze occured.
Could you explain exactly what you do to trigger the transformation? I can't seem to have it activate when I'm on vents. Do you press more buttons at the same time?
nope, you need to transform exactly when you hit the fans triggers, this is hard to pull of but i did it accidentally when i was playing with tails, and it cancel's the super transformation, this will hapens when you transforming exactly when you hit the tubes triggers, it happened to me in older versions of the game
you need to be in the exact place when between the lock and unlock and press the up and down buttons at the same time, this happens with the achievements menu too
hello people, i'm working on a sonic rush adventure soundtrack for sonic 3D in 2D that obviously had an work in progress, most of the soundtrack is in the package but only some of the most soundtracks are ready, if you want to try it i will leave a google drive link to download this package (download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GJYjw5DcEbaBRKktbOpXU-tYWWWjAKCQ/view), OH i forgotten that i finished another work of the soundtrack from this game because the 5th anniversary of my gaming channel that will be public in may 22, and the adventure one the next day after the release of the anniversary pack in may 23. so stay perky
I tried to transform into Super Sonic during this boss and he grabbed me during the transformation process and caused the emeralds to float there in addition to cancelling out the transformation.
i'm creating an aniversary custom music pack for this game for being 5 years of being in youtube and i will release it in may 21 2021, the day of the creation of my gaming channel, i finished but it will be some updates during this period
queres ser un tester en mi nuevo paquete de musica de este juegazo? esta terminado pero habran actualizaciones y se lanzara como metodo de aniversario de mi canal de youtube llamado kitty2135
te lo pregunto a ti para ver que quede todo en orden ademas si funcionan o no, tenes discord o algo para pasarte mi carpeta de soundtracks customizados para este juego? es como metodo de aniversario de mi canal de youtube
i don't quite understand the Machine independant Speed part. like, i make a shortcut of the game's exe. and then what. i tried it that way, and it didn't work for me really
the "destination" path? i don't know where that is whenever i make a shortcut on the game's exe thing. like i create a shortcut, and there's nothing of a "destination" path that allows me to do that. you got images or a video or something?
Hello, it should be "Target" for you, so you should make its path into "...blablabla\sonic3d2d 1.24.exe" /MIS1. The additional commands should stay out of the quote and separated by one space.
i will leave some of my ideas of what if looks like when starting this sonic fan project: 40 giant zones: 20 robotizized (like in kirby planet robobot when a giant alien machine touched the pop star and all the worlds has been robotizized) and 20 unrobotizized and the final zone like the final world of kirby planet robobot - 7 chaos emeralds and 7 super emeralds nights styled special stages with different themes in each special stages - 7 mania styled time stones special stages and 7 sol emeralds sonic 2 styled special stages: 28 special stages in total with 28 tracks for each special stages - a different type of encore mode for this sonic fan project and with 12 different playable characters: 6 from sonic and 6 from kira kira pretty cure a la mode with almost unique moveset for each character
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Hola una pregunta este juego es para 32 bits o 64 bits?
Hello, it works on either.
hola sotaknuck, quiero instalar la actualización 1.26 (claro que ya tengo el sonic 3d instalado en 2d es decir, ya no tengo que instalarlo) pero no me deja instalar la actualización en ningún lado, la opción de instalar la actualización simplemente aparece. al final de la pagina descarga sonic 3d en 2d que tengo que hacer?
Hello there! Thanks for playing!
Just download the game again, and extract everything from the ZIP file in the folder you installed the game to already.
When windows will ask you if you want to overwrite stuff, just go with "yes"
Is there going to be a MacOs port of this game?
Hello, the game uses the direct X libraries for some of its effects and relies on some windows only extensions to work, so I cannot convert it to Mac easily.
I've heard people had limited success in using wine, but the game crashes when the input is set.
I don't know if it is possible to emulate vcrun6 on mac, as it seems it is the critical component needed to have it start on Mac.
oh ok
Dude looking at this game, This is something SEGA should have done years ago probably should have been the original game and just called Sonic Blast but we both know how that turned out. The levels were so unique back then and seeing them fleshed out in the 2d format is really cool! and the Chaos mural at the end Rusty Ruin act 2 goes amazingly well with 3&K mural seeing as 3d blast was the last Major game in the classic era, Robotnik looking as good as ever starting to switch to his modern Design. They creativity in this is FANTASTIC you should make more of this in the future!
Me trying to find the original images you used for the character select sprites in save select:
I edited them from the Sonic Screensaver sprites and some comics (Amy and Shadow), so they aren't exactly anywhere to be found (unless someone ripped them)!
Why do you need them?
Well God... i've was trying to take a screenshot of the Puppet Panic Act 1 Phase 2 Boss where your edited version of the Drill Mobile from Sonic 3 appears to rip it and put it on an Photoshop project i am doing, Gay Bandicam doesn't even let me to do so, i've tried 1 million times to take an screenshot with the hotkey, and it does, but when i've want to see the image of the screenshot, i've can't, it just says that "It looks like the format of the file isn't compatible" and i've tried to change the file format to .PNG but it's just a freakin' black square in like 10 pixels. what hapenned? if Bandicam was able to take screenshots from the game perfecly without any problem. well continuing with my Box Art thing anyway...
oooh, a boxart! Me Like!
Well, for starters, can't you just use the regular snipping tool windows has? Pause the game and take the screenshot. That's what I do all the time.
You can also send me a PM on twitter, and I'll share some of the assets you may need.
man, just an idea, you could make a mania style version of the fan game.
more animations (some that resemble "mania"), smooth rotation, spring twirl (optional), mania-style background, etc.
good work, i liked it.
Hi Sotaknuck, I just wanted to ask if there are mods for this game and if there are which ones you know and recommend me
Hello, there are no game mods for the game, however there are music mods that you can download and apply. Some of them are on itch as well.
You putted the link of my mod first, like that small yogur said "Me siento como en la cima de la góndola"
Thank you for all the great work you have put into this game!
What is the game’s native pixel resolution? I assumed 320x240 but this seems not to be the case because I see vertical scaling artifacts when playing fullscreen at 640x480, with no filtering enabled
Hello, the game's resolution matches the one from the Mega Drive games, so it's 320x224.
The latest patch (v 1.26) introduced an option to keep the screen ratio by pressing F12.
That will resize the screen with the proper proportion, adding black bars on the sides or on top and bottom.
Great, thanks for the explanation
hello again, i managed to solve my problem sorry for the inconvenience
I already installed it and did all the steps to have the music from saturn but only music options appear to change the music from mega drive to saturn and no soundtrack options
How can I use the soundtrack options and the music options????
Hello, just download the Saturn DLC and add it to the game
first and most inportantly install the saturn DLC and then extract it to soundtracks
i like the game but im am bouncing on eggman then i lose my rings and them the yellow springs din't bounce hight enuogh then the spike ball has aim bot so i can make it pass act 2
Robotnik throws the spike ball at a fixed arc towards you.
It's just a matter of positioning. Try to stay on the right side of the screen to have it bounce in a predictable way and be able to walk under it and avoid it easily.
ok UwU
I've always wanted to do a concept like this. Good job!
this lags so much
but i like it
I Am Playing As Knuckles So Why This
it happened to me
Were you playing with wechnia before choosing him?
This Was My First Time I play This Game
Do you plan on Making a Mac Version of this game?
i'm editing an video related to this game were how to get al achievements, it will be a split to 2 parts the first one is done but it has to need some adjustments before publishing and the second one is still in progress
I've already completed all the achievements except for the last one (Amy's Achievement) and suddenly a huge trouble appeared. Every time I collect a Giant Ring, game freezes for about 15 seconds (regardless if I already have all the emeralds or not). Also identical freeze appears when I try to start a new game.
UPDATE: I had killed the application while frozen and lost saved data. Luckily I had a restore point from two days ago. It doesn't freeze anymore so now I can try to reproduce it...
UPDATE2: I tried to repeat the actions I took before the problem started and I managed to reproduce it. First I defeated the final boss with Amy (just the Final Fight from All Clear menu that is), then I went with her to the statue in Rusty Ruin where I was unable to complete the achievement (guess I have to complete the entire game once more, don't I?). After that I started a new game as Amy and that's when the first freeze occured.
Did you set the controls properly?
If you need to reset them, just delete the file called "last" in the Data\Profiles folder.
did you see my comments? it has problem reports from this fangame
Yes, it is. Unfortunately sometimes Windows 10 or some Antiviruses still block it. You may have to set an exception to run the game.
well, this is not supposed to happen:
and this happens with fans and some tubes in the whole game
Could you explain exactly what you do to trigger the transformation? I can't seem to have it activate when I'm on vents. Do you press more buttons at the same time?
nope, you need to transform exactly when you hit the fans triggers, this is hard to pull of but i did it accidentally when i was playing with tails, and it cancel's the super transformation, this will hapens when you transforming exactly when you hit the tubes triggers, it happened to me in older versions of the game
ok, it means I need an additional check in the fans, thanks.
bitch u gotta choose
3D or 2D
u cant do both bitch
sonic latam si existe:
i found some glitches in the menus of achievements and the music menu:
another bug with those menus:
I'm sorry, but I can't replicate it...what do you do exactly to trigger it?
you need to be in the exact place when between the lock and unlock and press the up and down buttons at the same time, this happens with the achievements menu too
and there's a version where this happens but it going down
Ok, so I have to disable one direction if both are pressed. Thanks
hello people, i'm working on a sonic rush adventure soundtrack for sonic 3D in 2D that obviously had an work in progress, most of the soundtrack is in the package but only some of the most soundtracks are ready, if you want to try it i will leave a google drive link to download this package (download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GJYjw5DcEbaBRKktbOpXU-tYWWWjAKCQ/view), OH i forgotten that i finished another work of the soundtrack from this game because the 5th anniversary of my gaming channel that will be public in may 22, and the adventure one the next day after the release of the anniversary pack in may 23. so stay perky
the page from the anniversary tracks for this game is still a work in progress but the tracks are completed, ho and the rush adventure tracks are completed (NEW UPDATE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1On--WskVBqG3rvQXiPhqjL13mgrjlBDd/view)
https://kitty2135.itch.io/sonic-3d-in-2d-the-annyversary-tracks the page now have a download option to download the anniversary tracks for sonic 3D in 2D
I've just discovered two bugs with Knuckles' gliding:
1) He behaves weirdly when you glide into the ground.
2) When you land after gliding you can't initiate Spindash immediately.
To make things more interesting both of these things occur only when you glide using B or C, everything's normal when using A button.
It's probably related to the defaults of Sonic Worlds that use only A for gliding. I'll check it out, thanks!
Had an itch to play again and had something interesting happen.
What!? How!? I have to look into it! Thanks once more!
can you add pro controller support? or at least a way to fix the game not detecting controllers
when i unlocked the shadow the game erased all my save and i lost all my progress
I'm playing this using porting kit on mac, and when I bind the start button the game crashes
You have a crash on input as vcrun6 is necessary for it to work...Unfortunately I do not have a Mac so I cannot help with it.
Can you use porting kit for vcrun6 as well?
I tried to transform into Super Sonic during this boss and he grabbed me during the transformation process and caused the emeralds to float there in addition to cancelling out the transformation.
Ouch, that's irritating...I have to disable collisions with him if you're transforming...thanks for reporting!
it happened to me in some places in the whole game
this will sounds really good with diamond dust
¡Es un juego perfecto! Jugué muchos fangames, pero este juego es hermoso que los demás. Hiciste el Sonic 4 original que todos queremos.
Terminé como cien veces.
Excelente trabajo Sotaknuck!
Thank you! And thank you for your new custom soundtrack (https://ferchoroger.itch.io/remastered-soundtrack-sonic-3d-in-2d) as well! I'll definitely make a new game and use it!
i'm creating an aniversary custom music pack for this game for being 5 years of being in youtube and i will release it in may 21 2021, the day of the creation of my gaming channel, i finished but it will be some updates during this period
queres ser un tester en mi nuevo paquete de musica de este juegazo? esta terminado pero habran actualizaciones y se lanzara como metodo de aniversario de mi canal de youtube llamado kitty2135
Le dices a Sotaknuck o a mi?
te lo pregunto a ti para ver que quede todo en orden ademas si funcionan o no, tenes discord o algo para pasarte mi carpeta de soundtracks customizados para este juego? es como metodo de aniversario de mi canal de youtube
i don't quite understand the Machine independant Speed part. like, i make a shortcut of the game's exe. and then what. i tried it that way, and it didn't work for me really
Hello, just use properties on the shortcut, and add /MIS1 after the "destination" path.
the "destination" path? i don't know where that is whenever i make a shortcut on the game's exe thing. like i create a shortcut, and there's nothing of a "destination" path that allows me to do that. you got images or a video or something?
Once you create the shortcut, access its properties. In its tabs there sould be a section with type, path, and destination
After the double quotes in the destination tab just put /MIS1
the closest i get with this is target type, location & just target. and i put that at the end of the exe stuff and it says it's not a valid path
Hello, it should be "Target" for you, so you should make its path into "...blablabla\sonic3d2d 1.24.exe" /MIS1. The additional commands should stay out of the quote and separated by one space.
i will leave some of my ideas of what if looks like when starting this sonic fan project: 40 giant zones: 20 robotizized (like in kirby planet robobot when a giant alien machine touched the pop star and all the worlds has been robotizized) and 20 unrobotizized and the final zone like the final world of kirby planet robobot - 7 chaos emeralds and 7 super emeralds nights styled special stages with different themes in each special stages - 7 mania styled time stones special stages and 7 sol emeralds sonic 2 styled special stages: 28 special stages in total with 28 tracks for each special stages - a different type of encore mode for this sonic fan project and with 12 different playable characters: 6 from sonic and 6 from kira kira pretty cure a la mode with almost unique moveset for each character
3 more achievements to recording and the second part on how to unlock all achievements to be starting with the edits: