Sotaknuck the new version did not work it still said virus detected i think that the virus infects new version of the game tried downloading it but it said virus detected I think that we can only download version 1.33 1.32 or below I just don't think it will work but thank you for trying to fix the problem
Hey I need help! How do I run the game because it keeps saying "cannot load Joystick2.mfx this object might need an external program or library not yet installed" how do I fix that?
Hi, Sotaknuck. I recently downloaded the last update and i been trying to play it, but i can't go further than the title screen. I have a very generic joystick that proably is recognized by the program, but no matter wich button i press, nothing happens. Tried disconnecting it and play with just the keyboard, but, again, no matter wich key i press, nothing happens.
Anybody else having the same experience?
Last version i had, unfortunatelly i delete it, didn't had any problem with the joystick
So, I did a Traige, and there was nothing suspicious. The events marked in yellow just seem to be a consequence of how this fantastic engine works, and the event VirusTotal noted, where it tries to set a root certificate, never occurred.
I don't know how to manage it. Seems like the last update to fusion made things even worse.
I'm currently working on a new patch, but I don't think anything will be solved, as I'm still bound by the fusion's build function to generate the exe file.
With my own game I sent it to microsoft to get it verified(Windows was deleting my own exes as I created them) It cost nothing and took about 24 hours, was super painless. I forget the url though but it was somewhere at I just searched for and followed the links about reporting false positives.
Thank you for the suggestion! I considered doing so, as 1.34 was deleted by windows, but with the newly released 1.35 windows defender seemed to like it on my end, so I guess that updating the extensions must have worked to an extent.
If reports continue with the new version, I'll try to not only send it to microsoft, but to AV companies too.
I sent mine to one of the anti virus companies once. I cant remember which one(It was a request from somebody that purchased it) Again it was simple I just went through the request process, sent the exe and I heard back from them within a day. It was easy but it would be a pain if I had to do it for every anti virus company.
I was getting PUP warnings in windows so I properly scanned the archive after downloading and got positive, high confidence, detections for Trojon.schoolgirl Please reupload and fix your package. Use a virus scanner on your machine and fix it. If this isn't you doing this delibrate then your packager is comprimised and its injecting this trojan into the exe what you create the app. This is not a normal 'indie' exe or 'independant' false-positive by the scanner. Upload the exe to virus total to verify.
Any unsigned exe is easily flagged as a virus just "because", unless its digitally signed or the AVs servers encountered it on enough machines long enough to stop considering it a virus.
Gonna be real, this is pretty hardcore misinformation, and dangerous at that. If that were true, you could go on Github, grab just about any repo with recent changes, compile it and expect to get 20+ detections, but that's just not the case.
For what it's worth, Multimedia Fusion is an absolute mess known for this kind of stuff, but generally speaking, that's super bad info.
I stated many times through these comments that Fusion is very often flagged as a virus and 3D2D suffers for that though.
You are right with what you say and I admit I didn't word my sentence properly. With "any" I didn't mean "every single unsigned exe", I meant that that a random unsigned exe can be flagged as a virus.
Do you play on doing another Sonic Fangame? it's been a while since you made this game, and it would be nice if you started your own original Sonic fangame.
Click Browse and select Sonic3D2d x.xx.exe in whatever the directory you extracted and then click Add Selected Programs.
Right-click the added game and select Properties.
Go to Compatibility and tick Force the use of a specific Steam Play compatibility tool, make sure Proton Experimental is selected.
Optional #1: You can make it a bit fancy by right-clicking, selecting Properties, and then change the icon to Sonic 3D Blast one and the name after the icon to Sonic 3D in 2D.
Optional #2 (non-Steam Deck users only): You can make an shortcut in the desktop by right-clicking and selecting Manage > Add desktop shortcut for quicker access.
It also works on Steam Deck, but first, you need to switch to desktop mode by either, pressing the Steam button and selecting Power, or holding the power button for a few seconds, and then select Switch to Desktop.
Open the terminal and typesudo steamos-readonly disable to enable write access on the disk, follow the above steps, use sudo steamos-readonly enable to disable them, and then switch back to gaming mode by launching Return to Gaming Mode shortcut.
Now you can play the game on your shiny OLED Steam Deck.
Alright, yeah that's naw, that's a pretty good job!
hola, yo aun sigo esperando que se pueda jugar de a 3 jugadores o 2 jugadores minimo como en los juegos anteriores. No me molestaria una modalidad sonic classic heroes para jugar de 3 jugadores.Por cierto , excelente juego. Saludos
Same story, any unsigned exe is easily flagged as a virus just "because", unless its digitally signed or the AVs encountered it on enough machines long enough to stop considering it a virus.
Newer unsigned exe files will suffer this fate forever. You may need to get into your security settings and set mcAfee, and probably also Windows, to let the game start.
Windows and many antiviruses began doing their work relatively bad. They flag any new exe that isn't signed by them as a virus. While I get the concept in general, it's still a flawed one that creates a sea of false positives.
I can't do much, other than state that it's 4 years and counting that this keeps happening. I have better things to do than tarnish my reputation with a virus on a game I poured years of work into. Flag the file as a false positive, and allow it to run if you'd like to play the game.
← Return to game
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i tried downloading the new version but it didn't work maybe because i'm on windows but idk
Sotaknuck the new version did not work it still said virus detected i think that the virus infects new version of the game tried downloading it but it said virus detected I think that we can only download version 1.33 1.32 or below I just don't think it will work but thank you for trying to fix the problem
I built the new version on a new computer, the game doesn't viruses.
It's the fusion engine being detected as such.
Every single version released so far gave me this issue.
virus in the new version
but cant we just download the old version?
i know its a virus
its an virus bro are you serious -_-
No Is Not An Virus Is An AntiVirus Problem
you make amazing content
also always wanted to meet you
instead of trying to download the new version why can't we just download the old one
Hey I need help! How do I run the game because it keeps saying "cannot load Joystick2.mfx this object might need an external program or library not yet installed" how do I fix that?
From what I know the library Joystick2 requires xinput1_3.dll, which is already included with the game.
I'm currently working on a new patch that will update the libraries 3d2d is using. Once released your problem might be solved.
Ok thank you
Hi, Sotaknuck.
I recently downloaded the last update and i been trying to play it, but i can't go further than the title screen.
I have a very generic joystick that proably is recognized by the program, but no matter wich button i press, nothing happens.
Tried disconnecting it and play with just the keyboard, but, again, no matter wich key i press, nothing happens.
Anybody else having the same experience?
Last version i had, unfortunatelly i delete it, didn't had any problem with the joystick
That's very strange, I'll try to run some tests. The latest Fusion engine upgrade might have created some regressions to take care of...
Will this be on android?
No promises...yet.
it's not on android put it on IOS
When I tried to run it, it said "Windows protected your PC"
thats always what it says if you dont get a game from steam or if they didnt pay microsoft for it to not say tha
as far as i know ther will be shadow the headhog
With 30 unique detections and an apparent attempt to modify root certificates, this would have to be the biggest false positive I've ever seen.
So, I did a Traige, and there was nothing suspicious. The events marked in yellow just seem to be a consequence of how this fantastic engine works, and the event VirusTotal noted, where it tries to set a root certificate, never occurred.
I don't know how to manage it. Seems like the last update to fusion made things even worse.
I'm currently working on a new patch, but I don't think anything will be solved, as I'm still bound by the fusion's build function to generate the exe file.
With my own game I sent it to microsoft to get it verified(Windows was deleting my own exes as I created them) It cost nothing and took about 24 hours, was super painless. I forget the url though but it was somewhere at I just searched for and followed the links about reporting false positives.
Thank you for the suggestion! I considered doing so, as 1.34 was deleted by windows, but with the newly released 1.35 windows defender seemed to like it on my end, so I guess that updating the extensions must have worked to an extent.
If reports continue with the new version, I'll try to not only send it to microsoft, but to AV companies too.
I sent mine to one of the anti virus companies once. I cant remember which one(It was a request from somebody that purchased it)
Again it was simple I just went through the request process, sent the exe and I heard back from them within a day.
It was easy but it would be a pain if I had to do it for every anti virus company.
I'm getting a couple of things saying the file contains a Trojan or malware, which is awfully suspicious
I was getting PUP warnings in windows so I properly scanned the archive after downloading and got positive, high confidence, detections for Trojon.schoolgirl
Please reupload and fix your package. Use a virus scanner on your machine and fix it. If this isn't you doing this delibrate then your packager is comprimised and its injecting this trojan into the exe what you create the app.
This is not a normal 'indie' exe or 'independant' false-positive by the scanner. Upload the exe to virus total to verify.
My kid really wants to play this so I hope you get this sorted!
sonic 3d blast was already 2d.
у меня пишет что там троян(
Not much I can do, as it's an unsigned exe.
Any unsigned exe is easily flagged as a virus just "because", unless its digitally signed or the AVs servers encountered it on enough machines long enough to stop considering it a virus.
Gonna be real, this is pretty hardcore misinformation, and dangerous at that. If that were true, you could go on Github, grab just about any repo with recent changes, compile it and expect to get 20+ detections, but that's just not the case.
For what it's worth, Multimedia Fusion is an absolute mess known for this kind of stuff, but generally speaking, that's super bad info.
I stated many times through these comments that Fusion is very often flagged as a virus and 3D2D suffers for that though.
You are right with what you say and I admit I didn't word my sentence properly. With "any" I didn't mean "every single unsigned exe", I meant that that a random unsigned exe can be flagged as a virus.
Do you play on doing another Sonic Fangame? it's been a while since you made this game, and it would be nice if you started your own original Sonic fangame.
You can also run it on Linux using Proton.
Optional #1: You can make it a bit fancy by right-clicking, selecting Properties, and then change the icon to Sonic 3D Blast one and the name after the icon to Sonic 3D in 2D.
Optional #2 (non-Steam Deck users only): You can make an shortcut in the desktop by right-clicking and selecting Manage > Add desktop shortcut for quicker access.
It also works on Steam Deck, but first, you need to switch to desktop mode by either, pressing the Steam button and selecting Power, or holding the power button for a few seconds, and then select Switch to Desktop.
Open the terminal and type
sudo steamos-readonly disable
to enable write access on the disk, follow the above steps, usesudo steamos-readonly enable
to disable them, and then switch back to gaming mode by launching Return to Gaming Mode shortcut.Now you can play the game on your shiny OLED Steam Deck.
Alright, yeah that's naw, that's a pretty good job!
hola, yo aun sigo esperando que se pueda jugar de a 3 jugadores o 2 jugadores minimo como en los juegos anteriores. No me molestaria una modalidad sonic classic heroes para jugar de 3 jugadores.Por cierto , excelente juego. Saludos
do you ever plan on making more fangames because this was a great hell of an experience throughout 100%
Thank you!
I have some plans, the problem is to find the time to enact them!
Is there an option to set the aspect ratio to 4:3 or support widescreen? Seeing it stretched like that hurts my eyes and drives me crazy.
as you get in game, toggle the ratio by pressing f12
are you ment to start with all chaos emeralds?
How do I update the game?
I have it in version 1.28 and I want it to update so how do i do it?
Just download and extract in the same folder you put the previous game, then say yes to all and overwrite everything.
Really, really good so far. Last time I tried it it didn't impress me much.. but now I really love what you cooked so far.
Thank you!
this game fake have virus
Yes Download It Is Not A Virus
who else got a virus warnin
It happens all the time with almost all applications windows doesn't recognize.
it wasnt windows it was mcafee
Same story, any unsigned exe is easily flagged as a virus just "because", unless its digitally signed or the AVs encountered it on enough machines long enough to stop considering it a virus.
Newer unsigned exe files will suffer this fate forever.
You may need to get into your security settings and set mcAfee, and probably also Windows, to let the game start.
sure great that this game counts as dangerous content on my pc
It does that with most applications it doesn't recognize. It's normal with fangames.
Windows and many antiviruses began doing their work relatively bad. They flag any new exe that isn't signed by them as a virus. While I get the concept in general, it's still a flawed one that creates a sea of false positives.
I can't do much, other than state that it's 4 years and counting that this keeps happening. I have better things to do than tarnish my reputation with a virus on a game I poured years of work into.
Flag the file as a false positive, and allow it to run if you'd like to play the game.
why do i start with all the chaos emeralds
oh wait nvm
We Have The Same Issue l Don't Know What To Do But The Game Is Working Fine