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(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Some of The music is stolen from Sonic boll

(1 edit) (+2)

I don't think so.

The music used in Sonic Boll comes from Sonic 3D Blast.

Oh ok thanks for reminding me

I downloaded this earlier and tried to extract this from the zip but according to Avira, the exe. file it contains "TR/Spy.KeyLogger.igrel" and because of this I can't play the game which looks Amazing to play.

A new day brings a new virus...

Antiviruses love to mark Fusion 2.5 games as viruses for sport, apparently.

You should set an exception for the game to run.

It's incredible how many different viruses have been detected within the same exe. I should write down a compilation.


Buenas tardes ,tengo una pregunta ya que me encanta este juego pero tengo interes en pasarlo,¿es normal que al cambiar de personaje se me borre la partida que tenia con el anterior? como ejemplo si juego con sonic y me paso 5 zonas,cuando cambie a jugar con tails,la partida de sonic se borra,.¿Hay alguna solucion para que esto no pase? Mas alla de esto,me encanta el juego,mis felicitaciones

Hello, the game has a single save file.

If you start a new game, you lose the current one.

Every time you get a good ending you unlock a new character.

Once all the characters and the bonus stage mode are unlocked your CLEAR save game will become an ALL CLEAR and you'll be able to select any character in any stage if you continue the game.

(1 edit)

the panic puppet act 1 boss is so hard for me. specially in the 2nd pass of the boss. it normally will take lose a lot of lives to beat the boss of panic puppet act 1


That's Robotnik's final stand with his eggmobile.

Sonic has almost freed all the flickies!

With no real boss ready he can only put Sonic in a location where his speed doesn't matter anymore. That's why he baits Sonic into an air chase to catch him off guard in an attempt to stop him at his weakest!

(1 edit)

I guess the Special Stages' gameplay could be improved.  Maybe it's just me, but you don't have time to get the rings that pass so quick your reaction time has to be on point. Other than that, the game is really good. Is just the Special Stage that could be better handled.


The special stages can be difficult at first, but they won't change.

It's not only a matter of speed but more of a matter of identify the pattern of rings that arrives. The easiest one is the one that alternates left and right.

In general I expect the player to miss the first line of rings, but the ones following immediately after should be easy to get if you identified the pattern type.

Jump a lot to change side quickly, don't move on the ground.

By the time you unlock Wechnia, you'll clear them with an amount of rings that is far higher than the requirement.

(1 edit)

can you give us the option to use Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles Mania sprites. I love the game but kind of hate S3 sprites. Even S1 and S2’s are better. Lol But the game play is so fucking good I see past it but Mania sprites are way better.

hola, hace poco tengo una nueva compu con windows 10 bueno, cuando quiero abrir el juego me dice no se puede completar la accion porque el archivo contiene un virus o software potencialmente no deseado, y luego el exe se elimina. esto no me pasaba en mi vieja netbook con windows 7, y quiero jugar este fangame en esta nueva compu para que me ande fluido y todo. pero este problema no me deja, xfa responde este comentario urgente porque no me deja jugar. 

xfa es que al archivo no se le ve el icono y despues de un rato se elimina solo el exe del juego :(


Unfortunately it's an antivirus problem. You need to check the quarantine of the antivirus and set up an exception so that the game's exe isn't deleted.

(1 edit)

hola, despues de ver unos cuantos tutoriales en youtube, finalmente soy capaz de jugar este joya en la compu nueva. y vaya que corre fluido. corre mil veces mejor que en la netbook vieja que todavia tengo :D


Glad to see you can play now! Aim for a good ending!

Hi Sotaknucks. I have a Question. How can I make this achivement. 

I have tried all the characters, but I can't unlock it, and I only need that one to unlock the other achievements.

Can you give me a hint what to do?

(2 edits)

To start there is a text bug error that others reported as soon as 1.19 released (I'll fix it for 1.20).

The achievement in question is the achievement for Diamond Dust Zone 1: you have to find the secret path under the main one, but you have to fully complete it, meaning that it won't count if you leave the underground area too soon.

You need a power character to access it easily (Knuckles, Bluckles or Wechnia).

Thank you so much

Avast reported the current file as containing malware.

As usual I guess...


Hey out possible could it be for this game to be download for Android ?  I love it and I can't wait to play it. 

Bueno bro, si mi madre me regala una computadora descargo tu juego, por cierto me sorprende que sepa crear juegos 2d


Windows defender is detecting the .exe as a trojan. Is this normal?


Unfortunately, yes.

Antiviruses may arbitrarily decide the exe is a virus using their euristic process. It literally means it tries and "guesses" that a given program is a virus because of some operation it does (EG: code obfuscation to prevent data reading from outside).

Fusion 2.5 games often are considered viruses even if they are not. If you search on any search engine you can see it happens far too often...

It wasn't like it the last time I downloaded it. That's weird....

The LoopTuner addon introduced with version 1.18 writes on the LoopInfo file when a track is edited and it's the only new thing introduced that saves outside of the game.

It may be the reason why Defender dislikes it now.

(2 edits) (+1)

Hi, can I play this game in an emulator? Sorry for bother you

If I can't you may considere It because in this way Android's users will be able to play it. Of course that is going to probably be very difficult and is only a recommendation (sorry for my English)



Hello, this game is a Windows only game. It can be run on Linux machines via Wine, but not on Android as most of the time it runs on ARM processors that are not compatible.

Hey sorry to bother you  but like others I'm also intrigued  the plate is game but I'm just asking how possible or soon you think it could be  to make this game into an emulator to be downloaded for Android ? I understand it's for Windows  but what I'm hoping for is possibilities


Hola podes hacer el fangame para android es que quiero probarlo y no tengo computadora 


Hello, I'm sorry but the extensions and the engine used aren't compatible with Android. A conversion would not be possible without rewriting most if not all of the code.


I just wanted to say the LoopTuner is an amazing addition to an already amazing fangame, and now I'm more than eager to complete the custom soundtrack I had started putting together prior to the update ^^


Looking forward to hear it! Leave a link once it's completed!

(8 edits)

things you should add:

super cancel (press c again when transformed to cancel the transformation) it will be cool to add that cause you will have more control of the super transformation and you can transform and cancel the transformations when you will want.

tails flight cancel (press down+a b or c when flying with tails to cancel the flight) it will be cool to add the flight cancel cause i'm now familiarized with the flight cancel from sonic 3 air and it will have more control of the tails flight. 

drop dash (sonic only)  a b or c when in mid air to do an instant spindash. it will be cool to add the drop dash as an extra option to sonic in the extra menu.

things you should fix:

the charge time of the super peel out.

the extremely loud sound of the point counting in the results screen of a special stage (i've did a comment about that. but anyways, i've will add it.)

change the invincibility theme of sonic & knuckles to the invincibility theme of sonic 3d blast.

the crush hitbox in gene gadget zone.

sotaknuck did'nt replied this comment.

oh. and when i've fail or complete a special stage, the sound when the points are counting are so loud that i've have to low the volume of my computer if i've don't want to hurt my ears of the extremely high pitch of the point counting sound when a special stage is completed.

and, recently, i've found a bug or if it's intentional idk. but, i'm playing with ashura, well, i've collected all the 7 chaos emeralds, and i've will be able to get the giant rings and have 50 rings and i'll be able to become super, but strangely, not, when i'm trying to get a giant ring to get 50 rings, i'm not able to get the giant ring, and i'm not able to use the super form too, this is strange, cuz' i've was able to get a giant rings and become super with ashura in green grove act 1


If you can't get giant rings anymore it means your current game data got corrupted and your emerald count is greater than 7.

Big rings activate only if you have less than 7 emeralds, and give you 50 rings if you have 7 emeralds.

You have to start a new game to fix the emerald count.

well. i've updated the game, and started a new game. and i've collected all the 7 emeralds and now i've can properly get giant rings and use the super form.

i've found some bugs when i've was playing the game, one bug was when i've completed the game with shadow, in the ending, when shadow was suposed to stand and use the power of the emeralds to restore the peace in fliky island, shadow was going right and then died, but then the ending cutscene reappared and then the same thing hapenned, shadow goed right and then falled to the pit. and other bug when i've was playing with shadow too on gene gadget act 1, was when i've was near the end of the act, in the part where you go trough the pipes and then you have to change the direction to get to the boss room, i've failed on changing the direction in a pipe, well, i've was wanting to get the rings up the pipe elevator room, cuz' i've was wanting to have more rings to be super sonic in the bossfight and it will be easier, i've did an oopsie and i've was stuck rolling in the air. i've had to close the game and start the act all again. 

I'll put some additional checks that clear character movement in the ending cutscene. It might have been an input from the previous stage that carried over too the cutscene.

Which version are you playing on? A lot of pipe related bugs have been addressed previously

(1 edit)

I'm on 1.17, guess i'll have to update

(1 edit)

i've found a bug when playing with shadow in the boss battle of green grove act 2.  the bug is that when i've defeated robotnik. the mobile was destroying, well, but i was still be able to homing attack robotnik, when i've homming attacked him with shadow, i've sticked to the mobile and i've was not able to get out, just some seconds and i've was out of the mobile. well, this happens with the bosses in general. 


The homing attack disables in two occasions: when it hits something, or after a certain amount of time if it can't hit anything. As a defeated boss cannot be hit any longer, that is the result.

I never saw it as an issue, but I'll add a disable the homing attack event as a boss is defeated to prevent the floating from happening.


Hey, I believe I figured out what's causing massive slowdown in some people's computers.

Something's wrong with the gamepad support, it might be polling inputs too agressively and hogging CPU cycles as a result.

By using keyboard controls and binding my gamepad with xpadder instead of ingame, I got the game to run as it's supposed to.


Hello, the gamepad routines are the ones provided with worlds delta, so I didn't expect them to have a problem.

(i never experienced issues on my laptops when I used the gamepad).

I'll be sure to investigate the problem and see if I can adjust it.

Thank you for reporting it.


Cuando abrí el juego, mi antivirus detectó un "Trojan-Spy", lo elimine inmediatamente pero me preocupa (no se si a alguien más le paso), no pude disfrutar el juego.


Some Antivirus have a conflict with the way some Fusion 2.5 extensions work and mark programs that use them as a virus. 

An antivirus tries to guess a program is a virus and whenever they're not sure they may mark it as one. Avast in particular is a prime offender with false positives, but others as well do so.

If you google around you can see that a lot of Fusion made games, and sometimes Fusion itself, are treated as a virus even if they're not.

Unfortunately I have no way to stop AVs from marking the game as one. You have to whitelist it to play as normal.

oh, a spanish comment!  well it's impressive that sotaknuck knows spanish and can reply an spanish comment. 

(1 edit)

well, actually, the special stages are very easy.  there are a lot of rings scattered around, and it's just react fastly and know where the rings are going to appear, and i've can get all the 7 emeralds without much complications. 


Why the hell is the metal sonic fight so damn hard? I mean for real its damn near impossible to doge any of the attacks when you have two metal sonics attacking you at once. I like the idea don't get me wrong but I keep raging so hard right now. ;(


A metal activates whenever the one you're fighting is almost dead.

Focus on the damaged one and quickly land the two hits needed to destroy it. Do it even if you lose rings.

Do not underestimate your ring buffer: you can get hit repeatedly without dying and you can use it to dispatch the weakened metal rather quickly to bring the battle back into a manageable situation.


Thank you for the tips. Sorry for being very mad. I really have been enjoying this game very much and I love that you put the metal sonics there as not many games do that

metal sonic mk 2 is a bitch


I love Sonic the HedgeHog series soo awesome.

i can't get pass though the first special stage. i'm more familiar with the special stage style of sonic 2. but in this special stage things moves faster and i've must have more reflexes if i want to complete the special stages with the emerald. 


The special stage relies more in learning the possible patterns and react to them than trying to get all rings.

There are fixed possible sequences (example: the spirals, or lines alternating left and right) once you identify them you may lose the first line, but all following lines should be easy to get.

Jump, don't move left and right.

I try to pair the game with the SEGA Genesis Mini Controller but it won't work.  Can someone help me?

Also, where did you get the drowning theme in the Genesis music from? It sounds different. I actually like it better than the others from the Genesis games.

The drowning theme is a slightly modified version that was a default in Worlds Delta. I kept it as I liked it more as well.

I think the music for the good ending (saturn version) should've used the good ending from the actual game instead of the title screen music.

(1 edit)

Is there a reason for that? I really like your version, but I prefer the original song that played in the actual Saturn version.

There are two reasons actually: the first is that I needed a track with the right duration to fit for my cutscene, and the second is that a friend remixed that short track for the scene.

You still have the custom music option to put your own version if you want. Just follow the guide into the Custom folder to do it.

after i opened the game for the first time, my whole computer has been super  laggy and i don't know how to fix it

I'm not sure how the game could have messed up your system. It is a self contained fusion2.5 generated exe with an official microsoft dll...

Do you keep having lagging issues even after restarting the PC?

restarting does fix it but i just wanted to know in case it happens again

First of all I must apologize, because I am translating into English through google.

I see that it is a very good game and it looks good, but I have a problem, the speed.
I've done the "/ MIS1" solution and I've only gained a bit more speed, but the game is still slow.
I use a gforce gtx 970 card in an I5 with windows 10. With other games it does not happen to me, only with it. Any more concrete solution please?

Another thing.

Have you thought about making the game in ROM format, to play with an emulator?

Have you tried using the /OLDPAUSE command?

No. How is it done?

(1 edit) (+1)

Same procedure with the /MIS1 option, just put /OLDPAUSE after that command.

"C:\BLAH BLAH BLAH\Sonic3D2d 1.09.exe" /MIS1 /OLDPAUSE

Beware, if you use OLDPAUSE to get out of a pause you'll need to press ENTER.

thanks, but it has not been solved, it will jerk

Sorry for the late reply, but did you update the game to a newer version?

It was an extension for the joypad that caused those massive slowdowns and it has been disabled now. Just remap your controller first.

looks interesting!


That was definitely fun.  This game is much better than the original Sonic 3D Blast.  Thanks much for this game.


This looks fun.  I'll definitely play this.

If you haven't added it yet, maybe Fang and Amy as extra unlockable characters?

Hello, Amy is already one of the 5 unlockable characters, but there are no plans for a playable Nack.

''é a potência,não tem como

o lek nem se mete

é a potência,não tem como

por favor não se mete''

                                   -Bill Gates

(1 edit)

So, I'm experiencing slowdown. Do you have any new solutions for slowdowns? I've followed the instructions but I will either get the game running close to a normal speed with skipped frames or the game running slow with smooth frames, It's weird. 

Damn, no response? 

I really wanted to play this game but I guess I just can't.

I'm sorry, I am unable to check comments 24/7...

I have no idea about what could cause slowdowns on your system. The specs seems more than adequate.

I tested the game on a 2012 win 7 pc with a 2.2 Ghz i7 and it runs without issues.

I also tested on a GPDwin2 whose specs are inferior to your system and I experience no slowdowns as well with no need for /MIS1 commands

Try to see if there are too many processes active on your end that may affect the game's performance

(1 edit)

I should have been more patient. Anyway thanks for replaying. If I find a solution I'll let you know about it.

Edit: Something about manually moving the files to a different folder will cause slowdown or it was just a bad extraction.  Extracting again was all I needed to do. I'm playing at full speed now.

Great, good to hear it is working as it should!

(1 edit) (+1)

another blueberry pie type game

in other words:good job on making the game


Thanks! Enjoy the game and unlock all the characters!


i think i gonna make a vid on this game soon


Post a link to it here then!

(+1) here is the vid link

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