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is there any way to reset the controls that doesn't require the inputs for up, down, or confirm?

enter the game folder and delete the "last" file inside Data\Profiles.

Next time you enter the game you will have to re-enter controls.

Thank thee

it says the data file is empty

Hi can you do widescreen pls?

Quick question? I've encountered some bugs like the final fight boss right arm twitching, game crashing when pausing. Some recommendations. Make final fight 2nd phase ring move slower, its hard for the human to see them lol. Fix hit box for panic puppet act1 boss 2nd phase. Overall the games is... ok


Sotanuk please make a version for android, I'm looking all over the Internet for information about the version for android, but as you understand, I did not find it. I ask you, if it's not difficult, then make a version on the phones. I really want to play it on my phone🤗🙏


(1 edit)

so i just installed the game and started playing but i had all the emeralds from the start. how can i get a fresh save?


Keep playing.

new update planned for aikatsu! 3D in 2D soundtrack for sonic 3D in 2D:

this update will bring instrumental versions of those tracks with all loop point and everything intact, some fixes to certain loops and more updates to come!

aikatsu! 3D in 2D now available to download:

how to add dlc

Simply put all the "Saturn" and "Custom" folders into Data\Soundtrack\

(1 edit)

want to hear aikatsu songs while playing this game? now you CAN! aikatsu! 3D in 2D is now available to download:

hey sota i found this error with the collisions of those platforms while making an soundtrack for this game. it's in green grove zone act 1 if you want to check it: 

That doesn't happen when playing normally.

I'll have to spend some time to figure out where I forgot a layer check to reach that area on the wrong surface level.

i was playing normally as reaching this part, after this i habe to backtrack a lil bit if i wanted to proceed normally

I'll patch it soon. Thanks!

(2 edits)

a new aikatsu music pack for sonic 3D in 2D: coming soon

UPDATE:  it's now finished. i will publish tomorrow

UPDATE 2: it's now published to enjoy this package while playing this awesome fangame! enjoy!


it's me or the final boss 1st phase seems soo easy in final fight? because it cost me nothing than the starting lasers and then only hit hin 1 time and done, is that a glitch or something?

Indeed it is, thanks for reporting!

(2 edits) (+1)

Okay so a few issues:

  • Firstly, I was checking out Extra Menu, and my All Clear save was overwritten because I pressed a button. There was no warning for this. My save is gone. I had all the Emeralds. 
  • Secondly, the first Act 2 boss... Listen, if Eggman's exposed, his hurtbox should ALWAYS be active.  Jumping on the big exposed cockpit like every Sonic game EVER has trained me to do should not hurt me, especially if there's no obvious indication of his hurtbox being replaced by a hitbox. That is HOSTILE design.
  • Thirdly, the first half of The Final Fight... I'll be honest with you, dude, once you get the cycles down the only thing it really tests is patience. It's one of the few bosses I'm confident I could do ringless. Given the second half uses an entirely separate control scheme it feels like there should be a checkpoint of some kind afterwards so the player can have a chance to figure out what they're expected to do without having to sit through the first half again.
  • Fourthly, the i-frames are WAY shorter than any of the official titles, and while i did get used to it eventually, my instincts keep telling me to damage boost when it is very clearly impossible given the minimal i-frames provided. Intellectually I know the problem is probably with me but it FEELS like it's the game fault when I  die that way.

Peelout is amazing

If You had plans to port in Android in some tool Would You do it???


As someone who finally beat this game as Sonic, all 7 chaos emeralds and all, I have some shit to say. I understand the desire to make what was once a somewhat obtuse and nonstandard Sonic game into something that felt like a traditional Genesis game. Nothing really wrong with that, fan demakes are cool and a concept this alone was solid. All of my issues come from how exactly all of this was done. I'll start with positives though, as some things done were genuinely pleasing.

+Emeralds are saved the second you complete the special stage

+Physics feel exactly as they should

+Sonic's repertoire is the complete combo of peel-out, instashield, and spin-dash

+The cutscenes are well-done

+Sonic Sonic can use shield abilities

+Act 1 Boss for Puppet Panic no longer uses Tails if you're in super form. That's really cool.

+Act 1 Boss for Puppet Panic disables your hitbox when you’re off screen and if an attack would hit you on your way up, it prevents you from rising back up until it’s over.

Okay here's my fucking gripes.

-Released in 2020, last update was 2022, somehow still no widescreen option? It's [current year] and this game's dickish enemy placement requires widescreen and intelligent camera movement in order to properly react to shit.

-As the difficulty is unforgiving, I don't think it's unthinkable to provide a fucking infinite lives option. The amount of times I fucking died to a boss, and had to replay Acts 1 & 2 to get another opportunity to fight said boss is fucking ridiculous. In that same vein...

-You wanted this to be a traditional version of Sonic 3D Blast, I get it, but even then your long-ass level designs do not lend well to a fucking 9:59 time limit, especially when combined with the lack of an infinite lives option. Holy fuck.

-I complemented the physics, but the i-frames are fucking fucked up. It is nowhere near the same amount of grace period as you got in the games you're trying to replicate.

-The Final Fight boss should have walls on the sides, you couldn't fall off and die in the real 3D Blast during this boss fight, you shouldn't be able to here, either.

-The extra boss fought as Super Sonic is superfluous and feels like it's there to just have one, rather than being an actual meaningful addition to the gameplay. It being a recolored boss from Pocket Adventure is also rather egregious, and I get where you were coming from with it, as you wanted this fangame to be a sort of link between Sonic 3&K and Sonic Adventure, but just straight up stealing sprites from other games is gross. On that fucking note

-Too many sprites and whatnot are just taken from other games, and it clashes real fucking hard. A lot of enemies aren't even designed to look like their counterparts in Sonic 3D Blast, it's just lazy recolors.

-Too many of the game’s bosses and environments are assets from other games mashed together. It lacks a real identity.

-The tube section at the end of Gene Gadget Act 1 is stolen level design is from Sonic 2 8-bit, specifically the end of Scrambled Egg Act 1.

-I'm sure you're fucking sick of hearing it, but regardless, your special stages fucking suck. Sonic controls like butter in a fucking frying pan, and you have no time to react to fucking anything. The only way you beat this shit is by replaying an act over and over and just memorizing where shit is. Having 3 times the rings in each section of the special stage does not balance out the shit, it just makes it more clear that you did not want to actually try and make something that was worth a damn.

-The post-credits scene using the same text as Sonic Adventure 2’s post-credits scene misses the point.

Not the nicest fucking review in the world, and I'm far from a professional reviewer whatever guy,  but you fangame mostly pissed me off and I wanted to yell at you over the internet about it. Again, my biggest gripes are no reasonable way to deal with the difficulty other than replaying shit over and over again when you game over, and the lack of widescreen and intelligent camera shit.


Mostly seems like a major skill issue


There's having constructive criticism and then there's just complaining over every little thing and being a dick. You are the latter.


You know, if you were just respectful about it your criticism would probably have better reception.

Agree with everything said

(1 edit)

Can you make it that you can play in the browser

Thanks for reading

Hello, Sotaknuck. Happy New Year!
For some reason the music in game always shut down some time later after playing. How to fix this?

(1 edit)

Happy new year AP7897! I'm sorry, I never experienced this problem. I cannot replicate it so I am unable to provide a solution to it.

Seems it's own hardware problem of son's laptop then.


Can you please label the latest upload with the platform it uses? I can’t download it in the client.

Hello! Apologies! I missed a click! It should be good to go now!

(3 edits) (+5)

I would recommend taking a crash course in how the progression of game difficulty should properly be applied, because that was some of the most ridiculous boss attack patterns, right out the gate.

Also, as others have stated: I concur. Those Special Stages are horribly painful to play. Everything moves far too fast, and you have a split second to react to ANY Rings that appear on screen. The amount present within each Special Stage is not the factor.

Spikes everywhere, enemies appearing on screen immediately in your path hurting you before you even have a moment to react (and often with terrible-to-haphazard placement)

Some decent spritework here, and the levels at least feel somewhat like they belong in a proper 2D Sonic game, but the overall balance is borderline Kaizo levels of bulls---.

i dont know if its just my pc because its not a fancy gaming one but about 6-8 seconds into the game it freezes and dosent unfreez. it might just be a issue with me tho lol


bro you gotta fix them special stages , its painful to play through honestly

So I have a small question. Are there any plans for a mobile version of this game. Unfortunately I don't have a PC or laptop to play this game but I'm very interested to play it. I know Sonic 3 AIR has a mobile port and Triple Trouble 16-bit is getting one at some point so I thought I'd ask.

I'm sorry but I have no plans to do it, the game uses direct x9 for transparencies and the water effects, and I don't have the tools to convert it for android without having to rewrite a very large portion of the game.

@Sotaknuck Sorry, but this game have a tutorial installation? And, it doesnt have virus, right?

You just have to unpack the zip file in the folder you want, there is no need for a tutorial, and no, no virus attached.

@Sotaknuck Ok colegamigo, thank you. And I have a question, how do you make these amazing fangames? With Sonic Worlds Engine?

Yes, I used version 1.5.1 and built upon it. If you're starting from scratch there is 1.5.2 out and other engines based on it as well.


ngl this is a pretty good game


I'm having a problem where my pc wont run the game because "it contains a virus


Hello, it's a false positive. You may have to set up an exception for your antivirus to allow the game to run.

Thank you

Show post...

Cool !!!


I got a question about the game, Is there like multiple save files for each character or can u use any character after you beat the game?


You can use any character once you unlocked all of them and bonus stage mode. Your save file will become an "ALL CLEAR" and you'll be able to start from any act as well

i've made this an long time ago but i never made an page of this before, by casualty i found this package i made in 2021, only updated the loop points, enjoy this package.

Am I just terrible or are the special stages hard? I've played Sonic 2. I've gotten all the emeralds. But the speed the special stages in this game go seems absurd. Everything just blows past me before I can react.


They are not as hard as they first seem.

Just practice them a little, you'll eventually be able to guess the patterns the game is throwing at you. Mind you I didn't say you need to memorize the level, just the possible patterns. If you manage to do that you can clear any stage the game has.

  • Try to never stay in the center too long, you'll likely get hit by a bomb
  • Jump left and right, don't run left and right
  • If you keep tapping the direction of the wall you're in, you'll stay stable in the same place
  • Each section has 3x the required amount of rings, don't get discouraged if you miss a line of ring at the start of a pattern.
  • Don't worry too much about having all the emeralds on the first playthrough. You can replay green grove and go for the missing emeralds quite easily on a cleared savegame

Yeah, I was afraid of that. 3x the rings, huh? I AM terrible.

in reality those stages are really easy and the music doent's seems to help but if you want some energetic music for the special stages i will recommend you the wow soundtrack for this game made by me, those are an banger tho. (the special stages from the genesis ver or 3D blast are good but i like the saturn music more)

i dont know but i wanted to hear midi in-game for this fangame lol but it will have breaks to play an midi so it's impossible to maintain the game's flow with midi music for the problems will have, just ignore this comment ok, thanks.

if you want to create original music for this game and you dont know how to loop it in game, check loopinfo.txt and you will know how to fit the track in game, follow the steps and tadah, if you having trouble i will help you a little in the comment down below, if you are really in trouble and you dont know how to use audacity, (the preferred program for me) then i will have tle pleased to loop correctly if you want, that's it for this comment.

(1 edit) (+1)

for everyone's sake, i will say that the tv filter makes an work here, as you can see, this fangame has dithering for extra colors, not for transparency, since it's has transparency for waterfalls, shields, tubes and more, without the tv filter, you will see dithering, is an bit charming for some people, but anoying for some others, here's an example:

for backgrounds:

with tv filter on:

with tv filter off:

and here's some dithering in eggman's mobile:

with tv filter on:

with tv filter off:

the tv filter doent's need to be activated if you only want transparency.

here's an example:


with tv filter on:

with tv filter off:

see? the waterfalls will look more colorfull with tv filter activated, but those waterfalls already has transparency so the filters does an great job hiding dithering from this fangame, and i can say that it's looks great for me who's played this in 2020, this fangame aged pretty well for it's standards, good job sotaknuck for using dithering to simulate genesis graphics, it's looks great with tv filter on, well if you want more examples comment here. thanks for your patience.

What's your favourite setting? Full dithered, sharp, or with only the backgrounds filtered?

i use normally full sharp but seing genesis videos that the dithering is used in many games for that system, so i tried the full dithered and damn, it has more colors than the raw image lol, so i personally use for extra colors, if only wanted transparency, the game already has tranparency for transparent objects, if i want tho not see dithering i whould use the tv filtered option, some transparent objects like the waterfall has more colors with the tv filter on and it's looks more cooler than the rew image one


i've got no idea was i created this but i gotta say that this is an masterpiece for sure for the music in this game lol


Time to give it a listen!

it freezes sometimes


can I get mfa?

oh hey a sonic game

Chromebook Linux Codes????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????/ I Also Have A Tablet Powered By Android So Can You Make A Mobile Port If You Don't Know The Chromebook Linux Codes?

Just wanted to say since nobody responded to you yet that the description on the Sonic Fan Games HQ page has a method for Linux that I've used that might work for ChromeOS. The creator has no interest in making an Android port and is probably tired of being asked about it now though.

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